Škatuľka na cievky TEXI 4033

Plastová krabička pre 25 cievok k šijacím strojom (bez cievok)

  • Výrobca: Texi
  • Dostupnosť:
    Na sklade
    Dostupnosť našich skladov

    Sklad Brno Ano
    Sklad Praha Ano
    Sklad Jihlava Ano
    Sklad Strima externý Ano

  • Termín dodania:
    produkt doručíme 11.03.
    Termín dodania

    Pokiaľ objednáte do 11:00 hod, tak produkt
    vám bude doručený nasledovne:

    produkt doručíme 11.03.

    Tyto termíny se nevztahují na
    - zboží, které hradíte zálohovou fakturou
    (zasílá se až po připsání zboží na účet)
    - zboží, které se zasílá na paletě
    - zboží, které je potřeba smontovat
    (průmyslové šicí stroje a zařízení).

  • Záručná doba: 24 mesiacov
  • Kód produktu: TEXI 4033
  • EAN: 5904341688628
  • Dostupnosť našich skladov
    Sklad BrnoAnoSklad PrahaAno
    Sklad JihlavaAno Sklad Strima externýAno


Krabička na cievky TEXI 4033 – Poriadok, ktorý si zamilujete!

Už žiadny chaos vo vašich šijacích potrebách!

Predstavte si, aké by to bolo mať všetky vaše cievky usporiadané, prehľadne uložené a vždy po ruke, keď ich potrebujete. Bez hľadania, bez zmätku, bez stratených cievok. S krabičkou na cievky TEXI 4033 sa tento sen stáva realitou.

Tento praktický box je navrhnutý presne pre vás – pre každého, kto miluje šitie, ale neznáša neporiadok. Je to jednoduché, ale geniálne riešenie, ktoré vám ušetrí čas, energiu a nervy.


Prečo je krabička na cievky TEXI 4033 nepostrádateľným pomocníkom?

1. Kapacita pre 25 cievok – všetko na jednom mieste!

Už žiadne stratené cievky po celom dome. Tento box pojme až 25 cievok, čo znamená, že všetky vaše nite a farby budú bezpečne uložené a pripravené na použitie. Či už šijete pre zábavu alebo profesionálne, vždy budete mať perfektný prehľad o svojej zbierke.


2. Odolný plastový materiál – ľahký, ale pevný!

Krabička je vyrobená z kvalitného plastu, ktorý je:

- Ľahký – jednoducho prenosný, ideálny na cesty alebo do dielne.

- Pevný a odolný – chráni vaše cievky pred poškodením, prachom alebo vlhkosťou.

- Jednoducho umývateľný – udržiavanie čistoty je hračka.


3. Prehľadnosť na prvý pohľad!

Vďaka priehľadnému dizajnu (ak je súčasťou) alebo praktickému usporiadaniu máte ihneď jasno, kde sa ktorá cievka nachádza. Už žiadne prehrabávanie. Stačí otvoriť a vybrať tú správnu niť.


4. Univerzálna veľkosť – pasuje na väčšinu šijacích strojov!

Krabička TEXI 4033 je kompatibilná s väčšinou štandardných cievok na trhu. Či už používate šijací stroj akejkoľvek značky, môžete sa spoľahnúť, že vaše cievky budú perfektne sedieť.


5. Elegantný a praktický dizajn!

Nielenže je táto krabička funkčná, ale tiež vyzerá skvele. Minimalistický a čistý dizajn perfektne zapadne do každej šijacej dielne alebo pracovného kútika. Je to nielen nástroj, ale aj štýlový doplnok.

Recenzie (24)


Počet hodnotení: 24

Napísať recenziu
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Brother ArtCity 140S
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Brother CS70
Brother CX5
Brother CX70PE
Brother DS120S
Brother e15
Brother e20
Brother Elite 45
Brother Elite 55
Brother F400
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Brother F440E
Brother F460
Brother F480
Brother F540E
Brother F560
Brother F580
Brother FS-100WT
Brother FS-101
Brother FS-130QC
Brother FS-155
Brother FS-20
Brother FS-210
Brother FS-40
Brother FS-40WT
Brother FS-50
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Brother FS-70WTS
Brother G20
Brother GS2700
Brother Hanami 17
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Brother HC14
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Brother J14
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Brother JK2700NT
Brother JS100
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Brother JX14
Brother KD144S
Brother KE14S
Brother L14
Brother L17
Brother LK14
Brother LP14
Brother LS14
Brother LS200S
Brother LS2225S
Brother LS2325S
Brother LS300S
Brother LS3125
Brother LS5555
Brother LS7555
Brother LX1400S
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Brother LX1700S
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Brother LX27NT
Brother LX3500
Brother LX37NT
Brother LX500
Brother LX700
Brother M14
Brother ML500
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Brother ML750
Brother ModerN 14
Brother ModerN 17
Brother ModerN 21
Brother ModerN 210E
Brother ModerN 27
Brother ModerN 30A
Brother ModerN 39A
Brother ModerN 40E
Brother ModerN 50E
Brother ModerN 60E
Brother NV10
Brother NV1040SE
Brother NV10A
Brother NV1100
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Brother NV1800Q
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Brother NV55FE
Brother NV800E
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Brother NV870SE
Brother PS70
Brother R214
Brother RH127
Brother RH137
Brother RL417
Brother RL425
Brother RS100S
Brother RS200S
Brother RS21
Brother RS31
Brother RS40S
Brother Satori 100
Brother Satori 200
Brother Satori 300
Brother STAR55X
Brother Style 100Q
Brother Style 20
Brother Style 25
Brother Style 30S
Brother Style 40E
Brother Style 60E
Brother Style 80E
Brother Universal 17
Brother Universal 25
Brother Universal 27S
Brother Universal 37S
Brother V3
Brother V3LE
Brother V3SE
Brother V5
Brother V5LE
Brother V7
Brother Vitrage M75
Brother Vitrage M77
Brother Vitrage M79
Brother VQ2
Brother X10
Brother X14
Brother X17
Brother X4
Brother X8
Brother XN1700
Brother XN2500
Brother XP1
Brother XP3
Brother XQ2700
Brother XQ3700
Brother XR27NT
Brother XR37NT
Brother XT27
Brother XT37
Brother XV
Elna 1000 (Sew Fun)
Elna 240
Elna 3210
Elna 730
Elna 7300 Excellence
Elna Explore 220
Husqvarna #1+
Husqvarna 205
Husqvarna 210
Husqvarna 225/215
Husqvarna 230
Husqvarna 250
Husqvarna 350
Husqvarna 400
Husqvarna 500
Husqvarna Brilliance 75Q
Husqvarna Brilliance 80
Husqvarna Classica 100
Husqvarna Classica 105
Husqvarna Classica 90
Husqvarna Classica 95
Husqvarna Daisy 310
Husqvarna Daisy 315
Husqvarna Daisy 320
Husqvarna Daisy 325
Husqvarna Daisy 330
Husqvarna Daisy 335
Husqvarna Designer Diamond
Husqvarna Designer Diamond deLuxe
Husqvarna Designer Diamond Royale
Husqvarna Designer Epic
Husqvarna Designer I
Husqvarna Designer II
Husqvarna Designer Ruby
Husqvarna Designer Ruby deLuxe
Husqvarna Designer Ruby Royale
Husqvarna Designer SE
Husqvarna Designer SE Limited Edition
Husqvarna Designer Topaz 20
Husqvarna Designer Topaz 25
Husqvarna Designer Topaz 30
Husqvarna Designer Topaz 40
Husqvarna Designer Topaz 50
Husqvarna Eden Rose 250C
Husqvarna Eden Rose 250M
Husqvarna Emerald 116
Husqvarna Emerald 118
Husqvarna Emerald 122
Husqvarna Emerald 183
Husqvarna Emerald 203
Husqvarna Epic 980Q
Husqvarna Freesia 415
Husqvarna Freesia 425
Husqvarna Interlude 435
Husqvarna Interlude 445
Husqvarna Iris
Husqvarna Jade 20
Husqvarna Jade 35
Husqvarna Lily 530
Husqvarna Lily 535
Husqvarna Lily 540
Husqvarna Lily 545
Husqvarna Lily 550
Husqvarna Lily 555
Husqvarna Opal 650
Husqvarna Opal 670
Husqvarna Opal 690Q
Husqvarna Optima 120
Husqvarna Optima 150
Husqvarna Optima 180
Husqvarna Optima 185
Husqvarna Optima 190
Husqvarna Optima 610
Husqvarna Optima 620
Husqvarna Optima 630
Husqvarna Orchidea 1050
Husqvarna Orchidea 1070
Husqvarna Orchidea 1070S
Husqvarna Orchidea 1090
Husqvarna Orchidea 1100
Husqvarna Orchidea 1200
Husqvarna Orchidea 1250
Husqvarna Platinum 715
Husqvarna Platinum 730
Husqvarna Platinum 735
Husqvarna Platinum 750 Quilt
Husqvarna Platinum 755 Quilt
Husqvarna Platinum 950E
Husqvarna Platinum 955 E
Husqvarna Platinum Plus 770
Husqvarna Platinum Plus 775
Husqvarna Prelude 340
Husqvarna Prelude 360
Husqvarna Prisma 940
Husqvarna Prisma 945
Husqvarna Prisma 950
Husqvarna Prisma 950S
Husqvarna Prisma 960
Husqvarna Prisma 980
Husqvarna Prisma 990
Husqvarna Prisma 990S
Husqvarna Quilt Designer
Husqvarna Quilt Designer II
Husqvarna Rose 600
Husqvarna Rose 605
Husqvarna Sapphire 830
Husqvarna Sapphire 835
Husqvarna Sapphire 850
Husqvarna Sapphire 855
Husqvarna Sapphire 870Q
Husqvarna Sapphire 875Q
Husqvarna Sapphire 930
Husqvarna Sapphire 960Q
Husqvarna Sapphire 965Q
Husqvarna Scandinavia 100
Husqvarna Scandinavia 200
Husqvarna Scandinavia 300
Husqvarna Scandinavia 400
Husqvarna Tribute 140C
Husqvarna Tribute 140M
Husqvarna Tribute 145C
Husqvarna Tribute 145M
Husqvarna Tribute 150C
Janome 1522
Janome 2041 (S)
Janome 2160DC
Janome 3160QDC
Janome 393
Janome 415
Janome 419S
Janome 423S
Janome 525S
Janome 6019QC
Janome 60507
Janome 60809
Janome 6125QC
Janome 625E
Janome 6260QDC
Janome 709
Janome 721
Janome 725S
Janome 920
Janome DC3030
Janome DC3050
Janome DC4030
Janome DC4100
Janome DC5060
Janome DC6030
Janome DC6100
Janome DC7100
Janome DM7200
Janome DXL603
Janome IT1011
Janome JP760
Janome JR1012
Janome Juno E1015
Janome Juno E1019
Janome Juno E1030
Janome Juno E1050
Janome Juno J15
Janome Juno J30
Janome Juno J30
Janome MC11000
Janome MC12000
Janome MC14000
Janome MC15000
Janome MC200E
Janome MC350E
Janome MC4900QC
Janome MC5200
Janome MC5900
Janome MC6600P
Janome MC6700P
Janome MC7700QCP
Janome MC8200QC
Janome MC8200QCP SE
Janome MC8900QCP
Janome MC8900QCP SE
Janome MC9400QCP
Janome MC9450QCP
Janome MC9700
Janome MC9900
Janome My Style 100
Janome My Style 2522
Janome QXL605
Janome Sakura 95
Janome Sewist 780DC
Janome Skyline S3
Janome Skyline S5
Janome Skyline S6
Janome Skyline S7
Janome Skyline S9
Janome TXL607
Janome XL601
Juki HZL- F300
Juki HZL-25Z
Juki HZL-27Z
Juki HZL-35Z
Juki HZL-E61
Juki HZL-E70
Juki HZL-E71
Juki HZL-E80
Juki HZL-F400
Juki HZL-F60
Juki HZL-F600
Juki HZL-G110
Juki HZL-G210
Lucznik 2004
Lucznik 2006
Lucznik 2007
Lucznik 2008
Lucznik 2009
Lucznik 2015 (Zofia)
Lucznik 2050 (Magdalena)
Lucznik 260
Lucznik 414
Lucznik 417 (Diana)
Lucznik 418 (Maria)
Lucznik 420 (Alice)
Lucznik 444 (Kateřina)
Lucznik 510 (Anna)
Lucznik 830
Lucznik 834
Lucznik 848
Lucznik 864/884 (Finesse)
Lucznik 888 (Izabella)
Pfaff Ambition 1.0
Pfaff Ambition 1.5
Pfaff Ambition 610
Pfaff Ambition 620
Pfaff Ambition Essential
Pfaff Classicstyle 2023
Pfaff Classicstyle 2025
Pfaff Classicstyle 2027
Pfaff Classicstyle 2029
Pfaff Creative 1.5
Pfaff Creative 2.0
Pfaff Creative 2124
Pfaff Creative 2134
Pfaff Creative 2140
Pfaff Creative 2144
Pfaff Creative 2170
Pfaff Creative 3.0
Pfaff Creative 4.0
Pfaff Creative 4.5
Pfaff Creative 7530
Pfaff Creative 7550
Pfaff Creative 7560
Pfaff Creative 7562
Pfaff Creative 7570
Pfaff Creative Ambition 640
Pfaff Creative Expect 350
Pfaff Creative Icon
Pfaff Creative Icon 2
Pfaff Creative Performance
Pfaff Creative Sensation
Pfaff Creative Sensation Pro
Pfaff Creative Sensation Pro II
Pfaff Creative Vision
Pfaff Expression 150
Pfaff Expression 2.0
Pfaff Expression 2014
Pfaff Expression 2024
Pfaff Expression 2026
Pfaff Expression 2028
Pfaff Expression 2034
Pfaff Expression 2036
Pfaff Expression 2038
Pfaff Expression 3.0
Pfaff Expression 3.2
Pfaff Expression 3.5
Pfaff Expression 710
Pfaff Freestyle 1522
Pfaff Freestyle 1527
Pfaff Hobby 1016
Pfaff Hobby 1020
Pfaff Hobby 1022
Pfaff Hobby 1030
Pfaff Hobby 1032
Pfaff Hobby 1040
Pfaff Hobby 1042
Pfaff Hobby 1122
Pfaff Hobby 1132
Pfaff Hobby 1142
Pfaff Hobby 301
Pfaff Hobby 303
Pfaff Hobby 307
Pfaff Hobby 309
Pfaff Hobby 4240
Pfaff Hobby 4250
Pfaff Hobby 4260
Pfaff Passport 2.0
Pfaff Passport 3.0
Pfaff Performance 2054
Pfaff Performance 2056
Pfaff Performance 2058
Pfaff Performance 5.0
Pfaff Performance Icon
Pfaff Quilt Ambition 2.0
Pfaff Quilt Ambition 630
Pfaff Quilt Ambition 635
Pfaff Quilt Expression 2042
Pfaff Quilt Expression 2044
Pfaff Quilt Expression 2046
Pfaff Quilt Expression 2048
Pfaff Quilt Expression 4.0
Pfaff Quilt Expression 4.2
Pfaff Quilt Expression 720
Pfaff Select 1520
Pfaff Select 1526
Pfaff Select 1528
Pfaff Select 1530
Pfaff Select 1536
Pfaff Select 1538
Pfaff Select 1540
Pfaff Select 1546
Pfaff Select 1548
Pfaff Select 2.0
Pfaff Select 2.2
Pfaff Select 3.0
Pfaff Select 3.2
Pfaff Select 4.0
Pfaff Select 4.2
Pfaff Smarter 130S
Pfaff Smarter 140S
Pfaff Smarter 150S
Pfaff Smarter 160S
Pfaff Smarter 260C
Pfaff Stretch & Jeans 6091
Pfaff Tiptronic 2010
Pfaff Tiptronic 2020
Pfaff Tiptronic 2030
Pfaff Tiptronic 2040
Pfaff Tiptronic 6110
Pfaff Tiptronic 6112
Pfaff Tiptronic 6120
Pfaff Tiptronic 6122
Pfaff Tiptronic 6150
Pfaff Tiptronic 6152
Pfaff Tiptronic 6230
Pfaff Tiptronic 6232
Pfaff Tiptronic 6250
Pfaff Tiptronic 6270
Pfaff Varimatic 6085
Pfaff Varimatic 6086
Pfaff Varimatic 6087
Singer 1 | ONE™
Singer 1+ | ONE PLUS™
Singer 1105 (Mercury)
Singer 1116 (Mercury)
Singer 1120 (Mercury)
Singer 1130 (Mercury)
Singer 1408 | PROMISE™
Singer 1409 | PROMISE™
Singer 1412 Promise
Singer 1507
Singer 1507WC
Singer 1732
Singer 1748
Singer 2009 | ATHENA™
Singer 2010 | SUPERB™
Singer 2250 | TRADITION™
Singer 2259 | TRADITION™
Singer 2263 | SIMPLE™
Singer 2273 | ESTEEM™ II
Singer 2277 | TRADITION™
Singer 2282 | TRADITION™
Singer 2932
Singer 3116 | SIMPLE™
Singer 3221 | SIMPLE™
Singer 3223 | SIMPLE™
Singer 3229 | SIMPLE™
Singer 3232 | SIMPLE™
Singer 3321 | TALENT™
Singer 3323 | TALENT™
Singer 4205 | INSPIRATION™
Singer 4206 | INSPIRATION™
Singer 4210 | INSPIRATION™
Singer 4212 | INSPIRATION™
Singer 4218 | INSPIRATION™
Singer 4220 | INSPIRATION™
Singer 4228 | INSPIRATION™
Singer 4411 | HEAVY DUTY
Singer 4423 | HEAVY DUTY
Singer 4432 | HEAVY DUTY
Singer 44S
Singer 5 Futura Quintet
Singer 5400 (MEG)
Singer 5500
Singer 5511 | SCHOLASTIC™
Singer 5523 | SCHOLASTIC™
Singer 5532 | HEAVY DUTY
Singer 5625 Curvy
Singer 6160 (BRILLIANCE)
Singer 6180 (BRILLIANCE)
Singer 6199 (BRILLIANCE)
Singer 70
Singer 7020 (Mercury)
Singer 7140
Singer 7256 | FASHION MATE™
Singer 7256 HC
Singer 7258 | STYLIST™
Singer 7285Q Patchwork
Singer 7410
Singer 7412
Singer 7422 | ADVANCE™
Singer 7424
Singer 7426
Singer 7430
Singer 7436 | INGENUITY™
Singer 7442
Singer 7444 | PRECISION™
Singer 7446
Singer 7448
Singer 7462 | TOUCH & SEW™
Singer 7463 | CONFIDENCE™
Singer 7464
Singer 7465 | CONFIDENCE™
Singer 7466 | TOUCH & SEW™
Singer 7467 | CONFIDENCE™
Singer 7467S
Singer 7468
Singer 7469 | CONFIDENCE™
Singer 7470 | CONFIDENCE™
Singer 7563
Singer 7640 Confidence
Singer 8280 (8280P)
Singer 8280 SMART II
Singer 8280L
Singer 8500Q | MODERN QUILTER™
Singer 8763 | CURVY™
Singer 8767 Curvy
Singer 8768 | HERITAGE
Singer 8770 | CURVY™
Singer 8780 | CURVY™
Singer 9100 | PROFESSIONAL™
Singer 9340
Singer 9910 (QUANTUM)
Singer 9920 (QUANTUM)
Singer 9940 (QUANTUM)
Singer 9960 (QUANTUM)
Singer 9985 Quantum Stylist Touch
Singer C120
Singer C230
Singer C240
Singer C250
Singer C430
Singer C440
Singer C440Q
Singer C527
Singer C570
Singer C7205
Singer C7255
Singer CE100
Singer CE150
Singer CE180
Singer CE200
Singer CE250
Singer CE350
Singer Elite CE677
Singer Elite ME457
Singer EM200
Singer ET-1
Singer Fashion Mate 3333
Singer Fashion Mate 3337
Singer Fashion Mate 3345
Singer FQ-4
Singer Futura 4060
Singer Futura L580
Singer Futura XL420
Singer Futura XL550
Singer H74
Singer HD6335M DENIM
Singer HD6605C
Singer HD6705C
Singer HD6805C
Singer Legacy SE300
Singer M1500
Singer M1505
Singer M1600
Singer M1605
Singer M2100
Singer M2105
Singer M2400
Singer M2405
Singer M3200
Singer M3205 / M320L
Singer M3300
Singer M3305
Singer M3335
Singer M3400
Singer M3405
Singer M3500
Singer M3505
Singer S800
Singer SE340
Singer SEQS-6000
Singer SEQS-6700
Singer Serenade C520L
Singer Serenade M320L
Singer SES1000
Singer SES2000
Singer Simple 3210
Singer Starlet 6660
Singer Starlet 6680
Singer Starlet 6699
Singer Stylist 9100
Singer Telent 3323S
Singer XL400
Texi Ballerina
Texi Bro
Texi Force
Texi Fox 25
Texi Gold
Texi Joy 25
Texi Tutu
Veronica 404
Veronica Excelent 707
Veronica Champion 505
Veronica Inspira 600
Veronica Komfort 300
Veronica Komfort 303
Veronica Optima 200
Veronica Prima 100


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